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Practice Question: (Refer to Figure 25, area 4.) What is the floor of Class B airspace at Ft. Worth Alliance (AFW) airport?

(Refer to Figure 25, area 4.) What is the floor of Class B airspace at Ft. Worth Alliance (AFW) airport?
A) At the surface
B) 3000 ft. MSL
C) 4000 ft. MSL

The answer to this question is C.

This is one of the most complicated Sectional Chart excerpts you’ll encounter. It’s crowded and difficult to interpret. Take your time to first identify where Ft. Worth Alliance (AFW) airport is located.

In this closed off part of Class B airspace, indicated by the blue solid lines, we see a fraction that says 110/40, meaning that this part of Class B controlled airspace doesn’t start until 4,000 ft. MSL.

Floor of Class B Airspace

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