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What may be used to assist compliance with Part 107 sUAS see-and-avoid requirements?

The wording can be tricky on this type of question, so you will need to pay particular attention to what is being asked.

Compliance with see-and-avoid requirements is “remote pilot diligence,” and binoculars can be used to assist with maintaining situational awareness. See the questions below: 

What may be used to assist compliance with Part 107 sUAS see-and-avoid requirements?
– Remote PIC diligence

What may be used to assist compliance with being able to maintain situational awareness as a remote PIC?
– Binoculars 

Additionally, here is a reference from Advisory Circular 107-2:

5.7.1 Unaided Vision. VLOS must be accomplished and maintained by unaided vision, except vision that is corrected by the use of eyeglasses (spectacles) or contact lenses. Vision aids, such as binoculars, may be used only momentarily to enhance situational awareness. For example, the remote PIC, person manipulating the controls, or VO may use vision aids to avoid flying over persons or conflicting with other aircraft. Similarly, first person view devices may be used during operations, but do not satisfy the VLOS requirement.

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